Electromagnetic Fields

“Is something or someone here with us? If so, we would like to be given a sign. Maybe you could light this gadget up in my hand. We are not going to hurt you; we don’t want to harm you or to be harmed by you.”
In pitch darkness, Cristian switches his torch on and off at lesser and lesser intervals, obsessively checking the electromagnetic field detector k2, to be certain that its glimmers are due to no field test on a cellular phone, though none of us has a phone switched on and we are far from residential areas. Trying to prove the existence of the supernatural through purely natural means may seem to be far-fetched but is the only way to gain solid evidence and to counter claims of being ad hoc – of changing the approach from moment to moment, from place to place and from night to night. In the dead of night you can sense even a whisper or the faintest sound or step. Night is all-enveloping but leaves you feeling exposed, because if the super- natural really exists, you have no way of hiding from it. Ghost-hunters have looked everywhere in following every legend and country saying and even their intuition, some being psychic and some satanic. They hope that a door to the ‘other side’ may have been left ajar and that something may have emerged. They are trying to answer a question posed by us all. We shall never find proof of life after death. The most we can hope for is to find no logical explanation for something odd happening in front of our very eyes, though in 50 years’ time the phenomenon may seem fairly straightforward like the lighting up of a torch when a switch is pressed.
Ghost hunting is a fairly young discipline. Its founding father was certainly Sir Harry Price, an English investigator who examined the paranormal from 1922 on with a scientific approach and a good dose of scepticism. In our day research into the paranormal is more developed than is commonly supposed, and in Rome there are at least 5 different groups constantly called on by private citizens and local administrations and associations to cast light on seemingly inexplicable phenomena. Their methods of research are based on classic texts and their own experience, and all investigations are carried out under strict audio and video surveillance. All materials gathered are analysed and authenticated and, in the event of puzzling anomalies, are checked further by specialised laboratories. The groups operate at no public expense, thanks to a shared passion and personal dedication.
I have had the opportunity to follow some of them through many investigations, and though there has been no clear contact with the other side, some findings have been verified and call for an explanation.